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Buy a Microphone Campaign

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The FERRIS SOUND SYSTEM PROJECT, “Buy a Microphone Share Campaign” is a joint effort by the Ferris High School Jazz Program and Rock Orchestra Program to raise the funds to purchase a state-of-the-art, industry standard, fully digital wireless sound reinforcement system.


Our project is an ambitious one; we are working to raise $45,000! With the incredible support of the Ferris PTG and Ham on Regal Players we were given $14,600! Additionally, a few close friends of the program have committed another $6000. We are well on our way!


This is where you come in. We are selling microphone shares in our “Buy a Microphone Share Campaign”. Each share is $950, and we are planning to sell 32 shares! (For further explanation, click on BUTTON ABOVE to see more). Will you purchase multiple shares, one share, half a share? Everything helps and we would love to have you partner with us to make this dream come true for our music students.


If you would like to contact me directly to discuss the project, I would be happy to buy you a cup of coffee and discuss what we are doing, how it will work, and how it will benefit our kids! See contact information below.


I wanted to thank you for taking the time to read this information, catch our vision, and consider helping us by partnering with us in this!

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