Hello Music Families,
Music students and their parents have an opportunity to earn money towards their
student FMPA account by working at the concession stand at Ferris High School.
Monies in this account are used for music program expenses such as trips and
annual music fees. Please note, the monies cannot be used to pay outside
entities which include purchasing items like dresses/tuxes.
Earnings are based on the overall net proceeds and are calculated and disbursed
directly to your student’s band account after the following three seasons:
• Fall Sports Season (September - November)
• Winter Sports Season (December - March)
• Ham on Regal Season (March)
Students and parents, who have turned in a completed concessions application, will
be emailed a list of available shifts prior to each season and then assigned shifts
based on stated availability. The number of shifts assigned to each family will be
based on the overall number of interested families for each session.
ALL workers in the concession stand (students and parents) must have a Spokane
Regional Health District Food Handler’s Permit. This can be acquired online
through https://www.foodworkercard.wa.gov and the cost is $10. It must be on file
with the FMPA prior to your first shift.
Click the link above for the FMPA Concessions Application for the 2018/19 school
year. Each student will need to return the application with a copy of their food
handler’s permit. Please note, each student needs to turn in an updated
application for the 2018/19 school year regardless of whether you have
worked in the concession stand in previous years.
If you have any questions, please contact Kari Lukas at