WEEK 1: Music Department Assignments
Watch the video for your introduction and explanation of what you have to work on this week. Lots of great stuff - HAVE FUN!
Watch one of the YouTube videos below! There is one for Band, one for Jazz, and one for Percussion. While you watch look for performance etiquette: How do the performers address the audience, are they professional, how do they act on stage, what is the quality of the visual and audio performance? In other words make sure you SEE as much as you hear!
Click the link below to get the BREEZIN' THRU website and get going on this chapter of your Music Theory FUN for the week! Make sure you look through the lessons and seek to improve in areas that you currently struggle. Do the lessons and drills to make yourself a music MASTER!
Log in Information:
USER: btfun_4416
PASSWORD: jazz146
Once you login - select the:
"NEXT GEN" Edition
When you join - make sure you use the same nave EVERY TIME! Also, be sure to select the correct class. Does not matter other than I want to keep track of how you are doing!
The best way to stay on top of playing your instrument is to PRACTICE! Below are a bunch of ideas for you as you continue to improve. You can use some of these, all of these, or whatever else you would like - JUST PLAY!!!
Long Tones (use the warm-ups link below for expertises)
For the LONG TONE STUDIES, you will need to scroll down in the pdf until you find your instrument. You can then select that page and print if you want a printed copy.
Double Strokes (even-steady matching strokes)
Click the link below to access the RUDIMENTS page for the
Percussive Arts Society
Ensemble Music/Warm-ups
Free Music images on Google
Practice Books
Duets – Movie Music
Acapella App.
Audition Music
Technique Videos (see website)